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By |2019-05-31T10:18:26+00:00May 22nd, 2019|Categories: Country, Study in India|Tags: |

Introduction India has been a major seat of learning for thousands of years. The country was home to both Takshashila – the first university in the world, and to the inventor of the digit 0 – Aryabhaṭa. Albert Einstein once said:, "we owe a lot to the Indians who taught us how to count, without which [...]

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By |2019-05-31T10:20:49+00:00May 20th, 2019|Categories: Country, Europe|Tags: |

Why Study in Cyprus? Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean Sea after islands of Sardinia and Sicily. It is located at the intersection of three continents i.e. Europe, Africa and Middle East. Cyprus is one of the major countries in Europe that has high international presence. There are approximately 40 thousand students of [...]

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By |2019-05-31T10:25:48+00:00November 28th, 2018|Categories: Abroad Studies, Country|Tags: |

Canada Canadians place great importance on learning, and have developed a first-rate education system with high standards. The country spends more on education (as a percentage of GDP) compared to the OECD average, and is the second highest among G-8 countries. Canadian teenagers consistently rank among the best in the world on international tests of [...]

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By |2019-05-31T10:16:32+00:00November 28th, 2018|Categories: Abroad Studies, Country|Tags: |

Study in Australia Australia is a leading global education powerhouse with some of the world’s best facilities and educators, providing local and international students with a range of quality study options. Australia is recognized as a great place to live. The Australian education system has produced scientists, designers, educators, entrepreneurs, artists and humanitarians who have [...]

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